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Magical Kenya, studded with flat top Acacia trees it’s undoubtedly the ‘Safari Capital of the world’ action and adventure abounds’. We travelled to the Masai Mara National Reserve in the South, with its vast open savannahs, teeming with immense herds of wild life so thick we became engulfed in the moment, oblivious to the outside world, although our luxury tented accommodation made it all so easy to come home to at night.

To Samburu Reserve in the north, a place so unique in its people/ culture and animals it’s easy to think that time has forgotten this picturesque but harsh and savage landscape.

Big 5 no worries, it’s all within reach in Kenya! Plus flamingo frosted lakes and tropical forests, we loved it all.

The Giraffe Manor in Nairobi is one of the most unique properties and animal interactions you will ever experience.

Then we headed off to Kilgali, Rwanda- a definite must see! Green and super clean, with locals that are proud people who go out of their way to help you to achieve the ultimate in animal trekking … Mountain Gorillas. After trekking through the jungle we were rewards with the Gorilla’s only meters away as they ate and played in dense forest on the edge of volcano national park. Incredible and awe inspiring the gorillas captivated us and will leave us with memories we will never forget.

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